Do they Hear what I Hear? Sound Masking for the Church Office
A lot of sensitive and private information gets discussed in a church office environment – Family Issues, Money Problems, Health Concerns, End-of-Life Planning. You know, the kind of talk other people shouldn’t be hearing. Most office spaces and consultation rooms are typically not built to prevent speech from “leaking” out to the surrounding areas. It’s often pretty easy to hear a conversation in the next office, or in the hallway – even when the doors are closed.
You try to staff your church office with sensitive and trustworthy people, but what about the occasional volunteers who come to make copies or help with phone calls? The typical church office is bustling with people running in and out. Who knows what they hear as they walk down the hallway?
Sound Masking is a solution Torrence has been providing to large offices for years, but recent innovations have made Sound Masking for the small office effective, attractive and affordable. Sound Masking is the subtle introduction of background noise that is scientifically designed to mask specific speech intelligibility components. Studies show that when we can’t quite make out what someone is saying, we naturally get bored and tune out. Sound Masking doesn’t have to be loud to be effective. Background music is often distracting for staff and may not be the appropriate “ambiance” for a church office.
To learn more about Sound Masking, or to request an on-site Sound Masking demonstration in your office, contact your Torrence Account Administrator to schedule an appointment at 419-661-0678 or email your contact information to [email protected]. Free in-service training is included with every system installation. Torrence onsite service is available 24/7/365 for every system we install.
Torrence designs and installs Security Camera systems, Access Control systems, Wander & Elopement systems, Overhead Paging, Emergency Messaging systems, Wired and Wireless Nurse Call, Wireless Phones, Pagers, and Radio Communications systems for Long Term Care Facilities. Contact us for a free onsite consultation and quote.