Roland XS-84H Matrix Switcher For New First Southern Baptist Church Building

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Roland XS-84H Matrix Switcher For New First Southern Baptist Church Building

Roland XS-84H Matrix Switcher For New First Southern Baptist Church Building

Los Angeles, CA — The First Southern Baptist Church in Pratt, Kansas, had the kind of problems that most churches wish they had: they were growing fast and had reached the point where they needed additional services each weekend to accommodate the nearly 800 people in the congregation. Its physical plant could not keep up. Enter Builders for Christ, a non-profit that gathers volunteers to construct church buildings for needy congregations at no cost. Last year, the organization constructed a new building for the First Southern Baptist Church, one that far better accommodates their growing flock. Thanks to Advanced Sound & Communication, a Kansas City-based AV company, they now also have a state-of-the-art media center for their AV needs that includes a new projection system with wraparound screens, five projectors, three Apple iMac computers, PTZ-networked cameras, and an entirely new PA system including speakers, consoles and wireless microphones. At the heart of that video system upgrade is the Roland XS-84H 8-In x 4-Out Multi-Format AV Matrix Switcher, part of the new Roland XS Series line of Multi-Format Matrix Switchers designed for fixed installations requiring high-quality integrated video and audio conversion and switching. The XS-84H is a single-unit solution for total control of video and audio that is flexible enough to meet the diverse needs of classrooms, conference rooms, live presentations and houses of worship.

“Builders for Christ is kind of like the Habitat for Humanity for churches. They take submissions from all over the United States, choosing only a couple out of thousands of requests, to come build a building for them,” explains Brent Handy, Audio, Video, Lighting and Electronics Designer and Sales Consultant at Advanced Sound & Communication, Kansas City, MO, which provided much of the new church’s AV systems. “The projects are chosen based upon church growth, evidence of effective ministry, number of baptisms, etc. This church in Pratt, Kansas, has a pretty good-sized congregation for the amount of people in that town. They were busting at the seams, having multiple services, and met all of the criteria. So, the organization agreed to build them a church. And so this particular building was built in the shortest amount of time they’ve ever built one.”

Read more: Roland XS-84H Matrix Switcher For New First Southern Baptist Church Building 

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