3 Visual Solutions That Improve Hospital Communication

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3 Visual Solutions That Improve Hospital Communication

3 Visual Solutions That Improve Hospital Communication

As a healthcare provider, finding the best ways to communicate with patients is vital.

According to Health Tech Magazine:

“Over the past decade, healthcare organizations have made significant investments in communications technology, adopting everything from sophisticated telephone and email systems to complex websites.

“Although these investments have been worthwhile, they are no longer sufficient to keep pace with changes taking place in the industry and society at large.

“Because human communication is inherently and profoundly visual, text and voice can go only so far in conveying meaning — they do not hold people’s attention the way visual images can. If a hospital wants to communicate more effectively with doctors, nurses and patients, it has to adopt visual technologies.

“For this reason, many organizations are aggressively adopting high-value visual-technology solutions including:

  • Digital signage: Retailers have discovered that in-store displays can double impulse purchases. Programmable billboards and traffic signs now inform us of everything from the performer headlining at a local venue to alternate routes we should consider due to an accident ahead. An explosion in digital signage demonstrates that organizations of all kinds — including hospitals — can use the power of enhanced visual communications to their advantage.
  • Audio/Video (A/V) Presentation: Conventional Microsoft PowerPoint presentations may have been good enough 10 years ago, but today, in order to engage audiences of all types, professionals need high-end multimedia A/V presentations that deliver an organization’s message or brand with impact. That means stepping up the ability to both produce compelling presentations and deliver them wherever they need to be delivered.
  • Video conferencing: Once the exclusive domain of executives at large corporations, video conferencing is now a pervasive medium for everyday workplace communication. In most PCs, notebooks and tablets, video cameras are standard. And the healthcare industry is gaining considerable benefits from their use, including reduced travel costs, cohesiveness of geographically dispersed teams, and the ability to provide better care to home-bound patients.

“No organization can afford to remain complacent about its use of visual technologies in a marketplace in which high-impact multimedia is becoming commonplace. That’s why it’s important to evaluate the broad range of solutions available for visual communications and decide which to invest in.


“Interested in leveraging A/V and video-conferencing technologies to improve workflows and patient experiences? Download the white paper ‘Visual Solutions: Seeing Is Achieving’ to learn more about the:

  • Primary motivating factors in the broad adoption of visual solutions
  • Key issues to consider when deploying new visual technologies
  • Reasons for finding a partner that supports the organization’s move to better visual communication

“You’ll also score access to HealthTech’s entire library of free, downloadable white papers by signing up just once.”

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