Elgin Schools

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Elgin Schools

Elgin Schools

The Elgin School District is located in a rural part of Marion County in Ohio. It is a large district of nearly 164 square miles Elgin is comprised mostly of farmland. The Elgin School District serves the villages of Prospect, Green Camp, New Bloomington, and LaRue, and also the western portion of Marion City and surrounding areas. The district serves approximately 1,000 students in grades kindergarten through 12. The district currently has one K-12 building which was opened in September 2013. This is the first and only campus-style school building in Marion County.The Elgin School District has made significant advances in the area of technology in recent years. Elgin is a 1-to-1 chrome book district in which each student in grades K-12 is assigned his/her own device to use throughout the day. The students in grades 4-12 take the device home. Also each classroom is equipped with an interactive projector and various other technological tools.

In 2018 Elgin partnered with Torrence Sound an Ohio technology contractor and consultant to continue expanding the districts technology initiatives. With a goal of using technology to maximize security Torrence implemented a system aligned with a human processes to lock down the schools doors very quickly from a single command while communicating instructions through automated messaging and easily identifiable audible tones. The automated security is also interconnected to Fire alarm and video surveillance.

Torrence provided additional security solutions to the district for emergency evacuation that both utilized the existing PA speaker infrastructure, Voice-over-IP telephones, first responder radios, and computer network. Torrence created multiple application program interfaces (API) to integrate the existing mass notification system, fire alarm, security alarm, door control, and MARCS radio systems to fully automate the emergency evacuation and lockdown in the Elgin School District.

Torrence Sound

Please submit your audio, video, security, and/or communication requirements and one of our specialists will contact you.

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